R Code: This is the coding used to compute the statistics using R. The actual data cannot be posted by our agreement with GSK [in order to use their secure data portal for access]. So what's below is the basic form for the CSV files imported into R for the analysis, followed by the code for the calculations. The Continuous Variables: The .csv file format PID,SITE,TRXNAME,WK1,WK2,WK3,WK4,WK5,WK6,WK7,WK8,WK8LOCF 329.001.00061,X001,IMIPRAMINE,0,0,-6,-9,-7,NA,NA,NA,-7 329.001.00066,X001,IMIPRAMINE,5,-10,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,-10 etc And as it appears in R PID SITE TRXNAME WK1 WK2 WK3 WK4 WK5 WK6 WK7 WK8 WK8LOCF 1 329.001.00061 X001 IMIPRAMINE 0 0 -6 -9 -7 NA NA NA -7 2 329.001.00066 X001 IMIPRAMINE 5 -10 NA NA NA NA NA NA -10 etc. The code > # ------------------------------------------------ > # OMNIBUS WK8 OC > hamd.lm<-lm(WK8~TRXNAME*SITE,hamd) > anova(hamd.lm) results [note: if the interaction term is not significant(<0.10), it is dropped from the model] > # ------------------------------------------------ > hamd.lm<-lm(WK8~TRXNAME+SITE,hamd) > anova(hamd.lm) results > # ------------------------------------------------ > lsmeans(hamd.lm,~TRXNAME) results > # ------------------------------------------------ > # OMNIBUS WK8 LOCF > hamd.lm<-lm(WK8LOCF~TRXNAME*SITE,hamd) > anova(hamd.lm) results [note: if the interaction term is not significant(<0.10), it is dropped from the model] > # ------------------------------------------------ > hamd.lm<-lm(WK8LOCF~TRXNAME+SITE,hamd) > anova(hamd.lm) results > # ------------------------------------------------ > lsmeans(hamd.lm,~TRXNAME) results > # ------------------------------------------------ The Categorical Variables: The .csv file format TRXNAME,SITE,WK1YES,WK1NO,WK2YES,WK2NO,WK3YES,WK3NO,WK4YES,WK4NO,WK5YES,WK5NO,WK6YES,WK6NOWK7YESWK7NOWK8YESWK8NOLOCF8YESLOCF8NO IMIPRAMINE,X001,0,5,2,3,2,1,2,0,2,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,3,2 IMIPRAMINE,X002,0,11,3,7,6,4,4,4,5,3,3,3,5,1,5,1,6,5 etc And as it appears in R TRXNAME SITE WK1YES WK1NO WK2YES WK2NO WK3YES WK3NO WK4YES WK4NO WK5YES WK5NO WK6YES WK6NO WK7YES WK7NO WK8YES WK8NO LOCF8YES LOCF8NO 1 IMIPRAMINE X001 0 5 2 3 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 2 2 IMIPRAMINE X002 0 11 3 7 6 4 4 4 5 3 3 3 5 1 5 1 6 5 etc The code # ------------------------------------------------ > # WEEK 8 HAM-D OMNIBUS OC > # > hamd.glm <- glm(cbind(WK8YES, WK8NO) ~ TRXNAME * SITE, family=binomial, data=hamd) > anova(hamd.glm, test="Chisq") results [note: if the interaction term is not significant(<0.10), it is dropped from the model] #------------------------------------------------- > # WEEK 8 HAM-D OMNIBUS OC > # > hamd.glm <- glm(cbind(WK8YES, WK8NO) ~ TRXNAME + SITE, family=binomial, data=hamd) > anova(hamd.glm, test="Chisq") results # ------------------------------------------------ > # WEEK 8 HAM-D OMNIBUS LOCF > # > hamd.glm <- glm(cbind(LOCF8YES, LOCF8NO) ~ TRXNAME * SITE, family=binomial, data=hamd) > anova(hamd.glm, test="Chisq") results [note: if the interaction term is not significant(<0.10), it is dropped from the model] # ------------------------------------------------ > # WEEK 8 HAM-D OMNIBUS LOCF > # > hamd.glm <- glm(cbind(LOCF8YES, LOCF8NO) ~ TRXNAME + SITE, family=binomial, data=hamd) > anova(hamd.glm, test="Chisq") results