I am a child psychiatrist at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Adelaide where I work with ill and disabled children and their families.
I trained in philosophy (PhD, Flinders University), critical appraisal (University of British Columbia) and psychotherapy (Tavistock Clinic). I am a professor in the Disciplines of Psychiatry and Paediatrics at the University of Adelaide. I head Adelaide University’s Paediatric Mental Health Training Unit, providing training and support to GPs, allied health professionals, teachers and counsellors in non-pathologizing approaches to primary care mental health.
I learnt most of what I know about psychiatry growing up in a pub, from being a father, from reading novels, and from Michael Leunig’s cartoons.
I am a spokesman for Healthy Skepticism, which aims to counter misleading drug promotion, chair of Australian-Palestinian Partnerships for Education and Health, and am on the board of Siblings Australia, an organisation that advocates for individuals with ill and disabled siblings.
My other interests include cognitive science, ethics, quality use of medicines, immigration detention, suicide, and child abuse.
Letter to Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry concerning distorted and unbalanced reporting for original GSK sponsored Study 329 Keller article along with reply by Keller.
Letter to Sir Andrew Witty, CEO, GSK asking for a correction to the scientific record with respect to the original GSK sponsored Study 329 that is fraudulent along with reply by GSK. Series of letters with GSK on making data from Study 329 public as a consequence of the 2004 consent order of the New York State Attorney General’s office. Click here.
Selected 329 publications:
1. McHenry L, Jureidini J. On the Proposed Changes to the Credibility Gap in Industry-Supported Biomedical Research: A Critical Evaluation Ethical Human Psychiatry and Psychology 2012,14: 156-161
2. Jureidini J, McHenry L. Conflicted medical journals and the failure of trust. Accountability in Research 2011, 18:45 – 54
3. McHenry L, Jureidini J. Privatization of knowledge and the creation of biomedical conflicts of interest. Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 2009, 4(Sept. Suppl.):1–6.
4. Jureidini J, McHenry L. Key opinion leaders and pediatric antidepressant overprescribing. Psychotherapy & Psychosomatics 2009,78(4):197–201.
5. McHenry L, Jureidini J. Industry-sponsored ghostwriting in clinical trial reporting: A case study. Accountability in Research 2008, 15:152–167.
6. Jureidini J, McHenry L, Mansfield P. Clinical trials and drug promotion: Selective reporting of study 329. International Journal of Risk and Safety in Medicine 2008, 20:73–81.
7. Jureidini J, Doecke C, Mansfield P, Haby M, Menkes D, Tonkin A. Efficacy and safety of antidepressants for children and adolescents. BMJ 2004, 328:879–83.
8. Jureidini J, Tonkin A. (Letter) Paroxetine in major depression. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2003, 42:514.